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Bostik Каталог

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Marothaan is the worlds first wear-resistant floor coating that can be seamlessly applied in trailers and other vehicles. Marothaan floors are highly resistant to chemical products and meet the requirements for food transport. The Marothaan system has also been developed to meet the demand for low-noise floors and has been declared to be in conformity with the latest Piek guidelines.
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2-component polyurethane floor coating, applied in a 3 mm layer.

Marothaan Marotop
Finishing layer applied on top of the Mandurax anti-slip layer. Available in grey, white and blue.

Marothaan Primer 209
2-component primer for wood, concrete and metal. Also acts as a moisture barrier to prevent blistering.

Marothaan Primer 60D
1-component adhesive primer for polyester or old Marothaan layers. Short drying time.

Marothaan Mandurax
Incorporates an anti-slip layer into the Marothaan system.

Marothaan Marocoat
Anti-slip material has already been incorporated into this 2-component topcoat.

Наименование Краткое описание
Bostik 31 Тиксотропный контактный клей на водной основе для приклеивания ПВХ, пробки, целлулоидных пластиков, кожи, текстиля, древесных плит, дерева, металла, бетона и т.д. Подходит для применения в автомобилестроении. Отлично зарекомендовал себя в строительстве, для приклеивания напольных покрытий и тяжёлых стеновых покрытий.
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